Thursday, March 1, 2012

Past and Present: Washington Street, 1930s

Here's a view from what was until recently the Mongolian BBQ looking north. Long before it was the BBQ it was a Kresge's and is still known as the Kresge Building.

Check out the Coca-Cola lettering on the tall white building in the middle of the east side of the street. Perhaps the building just to the south was built later, as it obscures the logo.

The building just to the south of the Coke logo has a quite pretty facade, presumably still beneath the modern-day green covering.


  1. I'm so glad to see your Dusty Diary back again. My next article is on Walter Hewitt. If you run across any pictures of him/his store/farm, etc. that would be great Laura. You are a wonderful history detective and I always appreciate your help.

  2. I'll definitely keep an eye out; pretty sure we have a family file on him at the Archives as you have doubtless already discovered.

  3. Pretty sure that Washington street photo is post war-- The foremost car is a 1946-49 Dodge...

  4. Wow! What a great pic of Washington Street. I saw a copy of this picture hanging in the Mix market and have been trying to find the origional. Where did you come across the photo?
