Friday, August 13, 2010

"Two Worlds" story reprinted in California

Dusty D heard this morning from Colleen Turner, who works with the Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association, an agency that serves 19 reservations. They would like to reprint my "Two Worlds" story from the Chronicle in their publication, and I told them I'd be honored, and thank you.

Personally this makes me feel good. If I, white person, have managed to write about this painful and sensitive subject in a manner which passes muster with a Native group, then that gives me a lot of satisfaction. It was quite a tricky piece and went through many edits. I chose a "just the facts" route and the issues involved are quite complex; books have been written on the subject of Carlisle. And it was a fact-checking nightmare...the truth kind of slides around on such a loaded subject and it can be difficult to find out reliable info. Anyways.

At any rate, that's quite an honor to me and thanks to the SCTCA.

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