Saturday Feb. 8: The thermometer is 12 below freezing, there are a great many sleighs out. Rick and Eber went sleigh riding this morning with Dave and Robert and Eber took me for a sleigh ride this afternoon the first I have had this winter.
Sunday Feb. 9: It has been a very pleasant day, tried to snow a little. Eber, Mama and I went to church. Rick took me for a sleigh ride this afternoon with Robin but the snow is nearly off the roads so that will not be any sleighing to-morrow. Mr. Post was up and made a call.
Monday Feb. 10th: It has been a lovely day. I went over to play for Nora Babbitt at the conservatory this A.M. then went down town with mama came home took my violin lesson right after tea and then mama and I went over to the lecture at Normal Hall, by Mr. [blank space]. We did not like his lecture.
Tuesday Feb. 11: A pleasant warm day but the roads are very muddy. Mama and I went to Sappho Club. Papa and Richard start for Chicago at 9:30 to-night. Eber came home to-night.
Wensday Feb. 12th: Lew came home with Eber to-night. He has got a situation as assistant chemist at [blank space] Iron Works in Chicago. He is to start Friday night so he came down to bid us all good-bye. Grandpa and Grandma came up and took tea and spent the eve. Mama went to "District Skule" meeting. I took dinner at Grandma's.
Thursday Feb. 13th: It has been a warm pleasant day. Lew and Ebe went back to A.A. @ 10:30. Mama and Grandma went to the Society this afternoon at Mrs. Sills and then they came home and went to Mrs. Miler's to a tea party and came home at 9 o'clock. I had tea all by myself.
Friday Feb. 14th: It has rained all day. Mama went to Mrs. Dr. Hurston's this evening to the Di School. Drew ice all last night. 8 1/2 in. thick.
Saturday Feb. 15: A very pleasant day. Papa and Rick returned from Chicago last night, brought me three large gold fish and a female canary and brought himself a beautiful singer. They had a lovely time. John whiting and his roommate Mr. St. Clair came from A.A. this morning. mama went to the Opera house to have the dress rehearsal to-night.
Tune in next Tuesday for another peek at Abba's doings.
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