Sunday, August 21, 2011

Starling Bust

"Only three of the ten city aldermen and the mayor responded for the big shoot Tuesday evening. The police department assisted, so the the official party included Mayor Ray Burrell, Chief of Police Ralph Southard, and Alderman Charles Hartman, Merle Renton, and Effiner J. Kramer.

"The evening had been officially set aside for eliminatoin of birds declared a nuisance on Pearl, Perrin, Congress, and Ballard Sts. In council meeting Monday evening the aldermen responded to protests from residents with the announcement that they would personally aid in a relief campaign. The mayor gave his consent and it looked like a big night but the catch proved small.

"After the first few shots the birds disappeared, leading the aldermen to conclude that other methods will be more practical. From the standpoint of the city sanitary officer, Ernest Maddux, the shoot was a success. His job of cleaning up after the attack was light." --August 21, 1935 Ypsilanti Daily Press

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