Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 1919 Diary of Ypsilanti High School Teacher Carrie Hardy

Part of a year-long weekly serialization of Ypsilanti high school math teacher Carrie Hardy's diary.

Kind readers may recall that Carrie was still suffering from sickness, with her colleagues taking over her classes and Dr. Breakey stopping by now and then.

Aug. 3 Sun. No school for me. Very sick. [Handwriting shaky, distinct from Aug. 1 handwriting]

Aug. 4 Mon.No school for me. Very sick [handwriting shaky]

Aug 5 Tues. Sick.

Aug 6 Wed. Sick.

Aug 7 Thurs. Sick. Last day of school. Miss Wigle, Louisville, Ken. taught for me.

Aug 8 Fri. Sick. Dr. Breakey + James gone to cala. [California?] Dr. Hull is coming.

Aug 9 Sat. Sick.

Aug. 10 Sun. Sick.

Thanks for reading; tune in next Tuesday for the next series!

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