Jan. 28 Tues. Final Exam in Alg. IV. Decided to pass everybody. Teacher's meeting after school to discuss next Semes schedule. Called on Miss Walz.
Jan. 29 Wed. A very hard day with Exams + classifications. Teachers' meeting at 4. A quiet evening at home alone. Knit.
Jan. 30 Thurs. School 1/2 day. Records attended to in P.M. + I went to ANn Arbor for Rob's ring $10. Bo't black taffeta skirt $6.50 + black shoes $6.40.
Jan. 31 Fri. Gave out report cards. Registered at city clerk's office. Attended 2 lectures at Normal. Concert + lecture in evening.
Feb. 1 Sat. Swept, dusted, washed. Went down town for groceries in the afternoon and again with Miss Laird in the evening. Prof. Laird is still sick but better.
Feb. 2 Sun. Miss Laird + Mrs. barbour in this morning. Home all day. Accomplished little. Slept about 1 1/2 hour and read paper.
Feb. 3 Mon. Contemporary Club lecture. Women Citizen's Board supper at Temple at 5:30. 2nd. semester begins. Short sessions of 15 min. A.M. + P.M.
Feb 4 Tues. Hall duty at noon again. This week letter from Miss Gardner. Mr. Laird is no better. Mrs. Morse is teaching for Miss Creech who goes to Detroit.
Thanks for reading; tune in next Tuesday for the next series!
1 comment :
I wonder what she registered for on Jan 31 -- women did not vote at this time. Just think of that!
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