Feb. 21 Sat. Carrie came in the afternoon and stayed a little while. We had a good talk. Did not go uptown, the first Saturday in a long while. I went over to Mary Wordenn's and saw her new library. It is real nice. Will treated us to candy and fun.
Feb. 22 Sun. Went to S. S. All of the girls were there. I wrote a letter to Ida in the afternoon and a good long one, too. Did not go to Church at night. It rained a little. I read a little while. Went to bed at eight.
Feb. 23 Mon. It was very slippery this morning and it was all I could do to get to school. McCormic came over and sat with me this noon. Jennie S. came home with me tonight and we had a good long talk, but not long enough. Had all of my lessons today.
Feb. 24 Tues. Jennie came home with me this noon to dinner. We stayed quite a while after school tonight in the chapel. I saw Strickland's valentine and I know who sent it. When I came home I found Carrie N. She stayed until dark. We had a good long talk. They have been raising the house and the plaster has fallen and cracked.
Feb. 25 Wed. It was snowing tonight but Carrie W. and I went up to Carrie N.'s. We had a gay time as usual. Durbin gave me some good ideas for my essay. Carrie came down town with us when we came home. After I got my lessons I commenced and finished my essay. We got a letter from Marion.
Feb. 26 Thurs. Well, we went down in the chapel this afternoon to rehearse our essays and we had a gay time. Will went away tonight, started for Fort Wayne. I went to Lyceum with Carrie and Will W. We had a nice time. I read my essay and was cheered good for it. McCormic went home with me. Clarence Hawkins asked my company home and I gave him the mitten.
Feb. 27 Fri. My lessons were not of the very best today, but I got through with them. Had ever so much fun in the Geometry class. Went up to the Normal Public with M. McCormic. Sat near Carrie and Durbin and Joe R. [K.?] but I had to write notes. I received some from D. that he must have seen. Did not please me.
I was wondering if are going to be posting Feb 1 to Feb 19 also.
I love reading this and the picture is great! Thanks. Can't wait for next post.
Dear Joe: I apologize for that. Yes, I have those entries and will be posting them. Thanks for reading! :)
Joan: Thank you! :)
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