May 1 Fri. Stayed out of school this afternoon and wrote all of the afternoon for the paper and it is just splendid. Got all ready, ate my supper, and Carrie N. came; we’re just starting when Joe came. I dressed all in black. We had a pleasant but not very gay social. I read the minutes and then the paper. Everyone seemed to think it was gay.
May 2 Sat. Got up in the morning with a raging headache and ear ache, but did not say anything until almost nine o’clock, then I went to bed. Had a raging fever all day. No dinner, blisters on back and both feet. Carrie N. came down about dark. I felt a little better and had some supper.
May 3 Sun. Ear commenced running in the morning, ached very much all day. They all went riding in the afternoon.
May 4 Mon. Joe came down after school and told me all the news. Seemed to be very sorry I was sick.
May 5 Tues. Ear has been terrible today, but I slept most of the time or rather dozed. The doctor came. He said that it was very bad, one of the worst pain[s] anyone could have. A great deal worse than the tooth ache. Joe and Carrie came, but I was so bad that I could not see them. It almost kills me to have anyone talk or make any noise.
May 6 Wed. Not any of the girls have come today. I feel very lonesome. Am nearly crazy.
May 7 Thurs. Carrie N. was here. I saw her and had a talk, but it made me worse. Joe came, but I could not see her.
May 8 Fri. Instead of going to Lyceum as usual, went to bed very early, head and ear pain me as much as ever. If I did not take powders, do not know [what] I should have done. Joe came tonight. I saw her and had quite a talk.
May 9 Sat. There have been several callers today. Feel a little better. Carrie did not come. I expected her though.
May 10 Sun. Was quite bad, but better than last week.
May 11 Mon. Joe came down. It is fearful warm. Carrie came and we had a good talk.
May 12 Tues. Have read almost all day. Am improving slowly. Joe came at night.
May 13 Wed. Carrie came down tonight and told me some things of importance, as usual. She is not feeling very well. I am very much afraid that she will be sick. I would not have it for anything. Carrie W. came down after supper. She made a long call. The fire engine came down, watered the house and ground all over.
May 14 Thurs. Joe came again and told me much of school news. Miss Pierce is sick. I guess that they do very much as they please up there. Would give anything if I could go tomorrow night, but of course, I cannot. The boys at school are going to get up a picnic and I am afraid it will be before I can go. Hope not.
May 15 Fri. Ma and Marion went down to Gill's and left me all alone to get dinner. It was alright, but I burnt the meat a little but Will said it was first rate. Did up all of the dinner work. About four o'clock Tom and Barnard came from Milford. I had to get dinner for them. They went out to the shop and I got supper. They are to stay all night. Ma got home after supper.
May 16 Sat. It rained this morning. Ma got her teeth. My ear is running yet, have a fearful headache. Miss Carson came over this afternoon. Ma and Marion were gone almost all of the afternoon calling.
May 17 Sun. Felt bad enough all day. Read some. Wrote a letter to Ida and sent her three cards (gave her some good advice).
May 18 Mon. Expected to go to school today, but did not. Read French and find that it makes my head ache fearfully, but if I go to school next week, must get used to the headache, for I shall have to study hard enough. Carrie was down tonight but made a very short call.
May 19 Tues. Joe came down after school. Her visits always cheer me up. I feel ten per cent better. Went out to the gate with her. It is the first time that I have been out since that Friday night. Mrs. M. and son and Miss W. were here and spent the evening. We had quite a nice time. Will brought me some medicine to take.
May 20 Wed. Felt quite a little better today. Dressed and went up town (but with my head done up). Went to Mary's and stayed until supper time. Went home and found Aunt Clara from Detroit. After supper Carrie N. and Joe W. came. We had a splendid time. They think that I look terrible poor. They stayed until after dark.
May 21 Thurs. Have read French and translated some Latin and slept the rest of the time. Have had quite a nice visit with Aunt Clara. Have tried to make myself take up the Geometry to study, but cannot come to it. Am afraid that I shall have a fearful time when I go back to school.
May 22 Fri. Nothing must do but that Will and Pa must have a doctor so Dr. Patterson came. Gave me a lot of horrid medicine to take every hour of the day; a pill every other hour and it has made me feel horrid sick. Have not cared all day whether I live or die. Ma and Aunty went up to Ann Arbor, had a very nice time. Got back about 4:30.
May 23 Sat. Dressed and went up to Carrie N's. Joe was there and we had a good chat. I stayed until about six. Carrie came down town with me. Saw Mr. VanCleve and almost all of the boys. Miss Pierce came down this morning on her little pony to see me, so I have seen them all. Carrie W. came down town with us. Aunty got me a lovely lavender tie. I went up to the Post Office about dark.
May 24 Sun. Read all of the morning. Wrote in the afternoon. Will M. is upstairs with Will. Aunty is out on the stoop with Pa and Ma. Mary Basom is in the parlor with the girls. I am alone in the sitting room. Wish some of the girls were here to talk with me. Believe I will play on the organ and see if I can dispel this feeling of lonesomeness.
May 25 Mon. Went to school today. All seemed glad to see me. Don't know whether they were or not. Have heard nothing all day but "how pale you look," "How poor you are," and I am tired of that. Mr. Stickland was there, said very little to him and after he went, I found that he had come to bid good-bye. He is going East.
May 26 Tues. Have had me lessons today. It is very warm. Stayed after school a long while. Sung those college songs. Had ever so much fun. Did not get home until quite late. There was a wash woman.
May 27 Wed. Carrie N. came down tonight. We had quite a nice talk. I have written some on my essay for Public Lyceum. It is hard work to write and especially such weather as this. Had a talk in the Library with Alfred Legrand.
May 28 Thurs. Terrible hot. Looked all the afternoon as if it would rain. Has not. Went up to Carrie N's after supper. Had a nice time. Had an introduction to Mr. Canfield. Addressed no more than two sentences to Durbin.
May 29 Fri. It was so very warm in the afternoon that I could not go back to school. Put on as cool clothing as possible. Laid down, went to sleep about an hour. When I awoke the wind was blowing and it was raining. It stopped in time for Lyceum so I went. Was chairman and had some fun (Pinch Bugs).
May 30 Sat. Did quite a little work this morning. Carrie N. came down about three in the afternoon and we took the horses and went to Spencer's Woods for flowers. Had a jolly time. Got home about six o'clock and then went to work and made a rockery and put the vines and flowers in it.
May 31 Sun. Didn't go to church but stayed home all day. Had a very good paper to read.
June 1 Mon. Very cool today. Stayed up to school all noon. Had ever so much fun.
June 2 Tues. There is a show in town. It is show enough to see the people go by for it is upon this ground past our house. Came home from school, found a letter which surprised me very much. Went up to Aunt Lizzie's. Came home and Will insisted upon my going to the show, so I went and stayed to the concert.
[Will is Allie's four-years-older brother, and Marion is her sister, seven years older and a twin to Allie's other sister Mary; click on family tree below for larger image]:

June 3 Wed. Marion brought home her flowers today. They were very nice. Aunt Lizzie and Clara B. were here all the afternoon and stayed to tea. Carrie N. came down. Had a splendid time. She stayed and went up town to get my hat and lace for my cape. Did not go home until almost nine.
June 4 Thurs. Stayed this noon in the Library and Alfred Lucking and J. S. was there too and we had a splendid time. Never want a better time. Have written on my essay. Am afraid that it will not be very good.
June 5 Fri. Intended to go to the Lyceum at the Normal [EMU] and it commenced to rain very hard and did not slack up enough so that we could, so that we could not go. It is perfectly terrible and Will is out in every bit of it. I pity him. Got a letter from Ida tonight.
June 6 Sat. Fixed my shirt waists [blouses] this morning and did several other things. Went up to Carrie N.'s and stayed all the afternoon. Went down to Jennie Carson's and her babe is lovely. Went up town all over and then went to Miss Coe's for Mary and then went up town for her.
June 7 Sun. Didn't go to church this morning. Had some splendid stories to read. Mary [Allie's older sister, twin to Marion] is sick, almost fainted away. Joe Whilock came down and I went to church for the first time in four weeks. It is very warm.
June 8 Mon. Had a jolly time in school today. Was getting ready for Public Lyceum at the Normal (for it was postponed) when Carrie N. came. Marion and I went up there with her. Durbin walked up there with me and sat with me. Had a very nice time and he exercises were splendid.
June 9 Tues. (Young Ducks) It rained fearful hard when school was out tonight and we had to stay. Never had a better time. Laughed too much for my own good. Started home and met Elmer [Allie's 11-year-old younger brother, who by 1901 was running the foundry] coming with rubbers, shawl, and umbrella. Did not get home until almost six o'clock. Jennie [Carson?] and her babe were here.
June 10 Wed. Am fearful mad at everything and everybody tonight. Went up to get my shoes, then I went to Carrie N.'s. Had a splendid time. It is turning cold. Stayed a little while in the Chapel tonight.
June 11 Thurs. Had a most elegant time today. Practiced my essay at noon in the chapel and all of the girls were there. We had a rousing time.
June 12 Fri. Went up to Carrie's tonight after school and had a real nice time. She was not at home and I waited for her with no one there but Durbin. Had just got home when she came and wanted me to go up to Lyceum with her. I went. J. J. S. was there and came over and talked with us. I went on a perfect strain [?] while he was there.
June 13 Sat. Carrie came down early and stayed to tea. We had a real nice time. When she went home I went up to the school house to practice. Was just opposite Joe's when I met [Alfred] Lucking. He asked my company or rather that he would like to go if I would let him walk with me. Did not get home until about eleven. Had ever so much fun.
June 14 Sun. Went out riding this afternoon. Went up to the Burying Ground [likely the Old Catholic Cemetery, now part of EMU's campus, or Highland Cemetery--Prospect Park was no longer a cemetery in 1874] and then up to Jennie S., then home and up to Carrie N.'s. Took her a long ride and then came home. Wrote a letter to C. B. and commenced one to Ida. Went to the M. E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church. It was trimmed beautiful for the children [in 1868 the Methodist and Methodist Episcopal church decided to celebrate every 2nd Sunday in June as Children's Day].
June 15 Mon. It rained tonight after school. We stayed to trim the hall. Had ever so much fun. Came home, copied my essay. Went up town and then got ready for Public Lyceum. Everything went off splendid and I was told that I had the best essay and read the best of several. Jen. S. came home with me. I looked all right, well, so they all told me and I got quite a good many bouquets.
June 16 Tues. Went up to school this morning. Everyone told me that I did the best. Have an immense boil on my back. Stayed home this afternoon from school but went with Marion, Anna V., and Mrs. Woodruff up to Mary V.'s with the horses. I drove. Had a very nice time and a splendid drive.
June 17 Wed. Stayed at home all day. About eleven o'clock Aunt Lib and Delia, Uncle Robert, Clara and C. came. We had a splendid time. Went boat riding in the evening. Carrie N. came down in the evening. We had a good talk. She was just going away when Uncle Joe came, so we have six here now.
June 18 Thurs. Went to school. Had a jolly time. Went up to Carrie N.'s after school. Uncle Robert went home today and I miss him more than I would all of the rest. While I was up to Carrie's Mr. Becker came and I had an introduction to him. He seems real nice.
June 19 Fri. There was a meeting of the Lyceum after school tonight so I did not get home until real late in the afternoon. Then I had to go up town. Got ready and went to Lyceum. It adjourned to go to Public Zealots. Went there. Got a seat near Carrie. Went to Stebbs and had ice cream. All of the folks went up to Ann Arbor today and Joe went home in the evening.
June 20 Sat. It is terrible warm. Went up to school about four o'clock. While there it rained. We had a glorious time. When I went home I stopped in Joe's, had a good talk and she went down town with me. Had candy tonight and a good time.
June 21 Sun. Did not go out of the house today, but read and slept almost all of the time. It is very warm. Clara is sick; Charlie not very well.
June 22 Mon. Stayed after school at night, down in the basement to help them make wreaths for the Chapel. Had a glorious time. Did not get home until they had got through eating supper. Tore my dress in front, put a band on my over shirt and did some other work. Charlie and Will have gone up to Ann Arbor.
June 23 Tues. Stayed after school tonight. Did not have as much fun as before, but more in the school hours. Went over to the depot after school. Got there just as the train started but I saw them all and waved them my goodbye.
June 24 Wed. Stayed after school tonight until after six o'clock. Had ever so much fun. John and Fannie were not there, but were gone up to Ann Arbor to the University Commencement. They came though before we came away and I think John and Fannie especially are nice.
June 25 Thurs. Was examined in Latin. Passed 95. Had a magnificent time after school. Helped for the programs. Did not get home until seven o'clock. Then I had supper and dressed myself for the Lyceum. Had a nice time. Am elected Vice President for the next term. (Got a drink) (Climbing fences) (Dove)
June 26 Fri. Was examined in French and Geometry this forenoon. Passed both. In the afternoon I went up to school with the horses and took a lot of plants. Stayed there all the afternoon working and tying programs and making letters. The mottoes are very nice and the hall is trimmed beautiful. Jennie S. came home with me, then went back to hear the graduating exercises. They were very nice. Came home with Carrie N.
June 27 Sat. Went up to school this morning with the horses to get the plants. Stopped for Joe. All of the boys and girls were up there and we had a splendid time. Stayed almost all of the forenoon. Joe came home with me, then I went up town with her. Bought some nice bouquets. Joe told me something good that J.S. said about me. I have Joe's and Selinda's pictures.
June 28 Sun. Went to church in the morning, stayed to S. S. It is terrible warm. Read all of the afternoon. Went to Church at night. Carrie and D. came home with me. Did not stay. Go to [?] until real late.
June 29 Mon. Worked quite hard this morning and ironed my muslin this afternoon. Went up stairs, took off all that I could and laid down just for a nap, but I slept from two o'clock until five. Had just got off of the bed when Carrie N. came and I did not have my hair combed and was not dressed, but she came upstairs while I dressed. We had a good talk.
June 30 Tues. Ironed some in the morning and sewed almost all of the afternoon. Went to the graduating exercises of the Normal in the evening. Had a very nice time. Sat with C. and D. The exercises did not amount to much. The hall was trimmed very nice.
July 1 Wed. Went to the graduating exercises this morning. They were very good. Got home about one o'clock. Carrie N. came home with me and stayed to dinner. Went up to Jennie Shipman in the afternoon. Had quite a good time, especially going and coming. Did not get home until real late. Received a word from J. J. S.
July 2 Thurs. Started early this morning for Cora Guy's. Got almost there when we met Mr. Guy and Ed. They were just moving. We went with them and got home about one, time for dinner. Joe N. made a call in the afternoon. Carrie N. came down.
July 2 Fri. Had a good deal of work to do today. Went up town in the afternoon to do the marketing. Carrie N. came down and wanted me to go up home with her to see the baby. Marion and I went after supper. It (the baby) is real nice. Everyone is busy with the Fourth. They have made beautiful arches across the streets and the stores and houses are decorated.
July 4 Sat. There was enough noise this morning. Got ready and went up to Joe's, then up to the Fairground. Had a delightful time but worked hard though. All of the soldiers came in our booth to eat and I had as much--as the rest of the girls. Mary Dugall came out in the morning and we all stayed up on the grounds until after the fire works. They were grand. Carrie N. was with me at the fire works.
July 5 Sun. Did not go to Church in the morning. Went riding in the afternoon and to Church tonight. Commenced a letter to Ida. Quite a good many of the Cadets stayed over night and are around town today.
July 6 Mon. Went over to the depot with Mary. She went on the early train and there were many students going off. Finished my letter to Ida in the afternoon. Slept most all of the afternoon.
July 7 Tues. It has been very warm all day, warmer than any day this summer. I went up to Carrie's, stayed quite a little while and went down to Joe's, but she was not home. Met Mr. Wendel and John Stoddart, the first time I have seem John this summer vacation. It rained very hard after I got home.
July 8 Wed. Went out and picked berries this morning. Went up to Joe's after supper. We took a long walk and I did not get home until nine o'clock. We had a splendid time and I like Joe better than ever. A. E. L. has gone off and I suppose that she will be terrible lonesome without him (La me)
July 9 Thurs. Cora Guy has called this morning. Mary is staying home from the shop today. It has rained all of the afternoon and I have been piecing on my quilt and am just as lonesome as I can be. Wish that Ida was here.
July 10 Fri. Cora came down this morning and stayed until evening. Ella Seymoure was here and spent the afternoon. Carrie N. came down after supper and we took a long walk. She told me some conundrums that were too killing for anything.
Thanks for reading; tune in this coming Friday for another chapter!.
From May 13: "The fire engine came down, watered the house and ground all over." I wonder what this was about. A public service for keeping the grass green? A safety measure if things were very dry? A mystery...
An excellent question. I do not know...if they did that for every house that would have been a lot of water. But maybe, as you say, a prophylactic measure in the summer.
I have read of the (dusty) road being sprinkled in the past. Perhaps they used the fire engine to do this before there were official road-sprinklers. If so perhaps Allie is annoyed in this post--the fire engine did such a sloppy job that they sloshed water all over our yard. They did live near the street, near Materials Unlimited (close to the McCullough forge on Water Street at the river).
In the July 10th post I am confused as to what Allie is saying in reference to "She told me some conundrums that were too killing for anything." Do you know what she meant by this? I am enjoying this diary very much.
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