We received yours of the 10th inst. about two weeks ago and I fear your neglect is catching as I find I am considerable behind in answering your neglect the greatest cause but last Sunday I had a very severe attack of the rheumatis the worst I have had for 20 years have not worked much for the last week your letter brought us good news of your health which is a blessing...
Translation: I'm a couple days late with a letter because I was sliding into the grave, but don't you feel guilty about not writing me. It's fine; I'll just die alone, no worries.
...a man ought not to get discouraged if he is once in a while disappointed in his crops to the [percivering] it has a tendency to stimulate him to find out the cause and a preventative or to proceed with some more sure crops experience is a good school when it does not lead a man to build castles in the Air...
...your letter found us enjoying our usual health and I have now pretty much recovered the cause was working at a Bridge that had given a way during a big Rain we have had Old Croton was never higher but once much corn on the [fields] was covered entirely and potatoes the potatoes have rottened bad that was over flown [with water?]...
...your Mother is as comfortable now as she has been for some time Almira home well also Nancy except school hours Mary comes home almost every day they are well also Aunt Hannah LeBay is at North Salem a Butchering and setting Meat with Henry Clark co [?} he has come and got our horse to start a third team think they are making a [fuss] and don't know but they will make money...

...Says she saw a letter from Uncle Ben Ambler wrote from St. Pauls Minisota Uncle A Hortons about as usual William has been about two with a buying a farm down in Wilton four miles from Norwalk two peices [sic] about 160 acres the cost will be $10,500 [$247,734 today]...
...Lewis and Uncle D strong [supporters of Republican presidential candidate] Freemont [sic] and James H for ["Know-Nothing" third-party presidential candidate Millard] Fillmore, and says he can't go for Fremont, no how...
...our Crops have been fair this season so far and have been Harvested in good order corn had suffered some before the rain but since it has come on fair buckwheat now looks as fine as I ever saw it the weather is so Cool we fear a frost before it is fir to cut I sowed a half of a bushel it got near 4 feet high the big rain has [loped] the whole of it should it get no worse I think I shall 25 or 30 bushels...
...Potatoes are of the biger kind this year but few in the hill No rot of any consequence except where they have covered with water we shall be disappointed if you do not come down this fall All join in sending love to you
Your affectionate Father
Squire Mead (Cyrus Mead, Tecumseh, Mich)
Do feel free to add any guesses of your own to bracketed bits; click on image to enlarge it.
Thanks for the translation. That is one difficult read.
You're welcome!
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