Meet the guys at the barber shop thought to once have been at 24 1/2 North Huron. The caption for this YHS Historical Society Photo Archives photo states "The inscription identifies it as Courtez R. Hall's barber shop but it is also possible it is William Hipp's, long at that location. The gentlemen are, from L to R, Watson Laidlaw, Ralph Smith (listed in the the 1912 city directory as a clerk that boarded at 24 E. Congress), Wesley M Dawson (1890-1964) who was a partner in the Martin Dawson company and later Ypsilanti Postmaster, Courtez R. Hall, Samuel Spring, James Tweedie (listed in 1912 city directory as a barber in Hipp's barber shop and boarding at 108 Buffalo, Hipp's residence) and an older man not identified (perhaps Hipp)."
The puzzle is whether the modern photo is indeed a match for the original. What do you think? Obviously many changes have been made to the building facade...but are the bones the same? Is this the onetime barber shop?

I always assumed that the "modern" building pictured had been built sometime in the 1920s or 30s. I suppose a complete facade replacement could explain things, but the form and massing of the building to me suggests a more modern structure than the "historical" one pictured at the top.
I think you would know far better than me, BP. I was kind of dubious...the windows seemed similar in size but...there's a radical amount of difference, too.
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