At left she is pictured in 1888 at age 49. Introduction to the Norton family.
1/29/1864: Aut work in the woods day
1/30/1864: Albert is coming home soon he is in New York
1/31/1864: Rains and freezes [ah] so splpery one can hardly stand up Charly is begining run alone
2/1/1864 & 2/2/1864: [is Charlie writing "sick" here? on behalf of his mother]

2/3/1864: Mr. Wort had his donation to day. we were going. but we could get no shoes for Charlie to wear I tried to make a pair and spoils them Aut wanted me to go and he would take care of Charlie. but I did not want to
2/4/1864: Spent the evning George Fondes. Tad and Elma were there we had a good visit it is a good place to go a visiting. Charlie was good we did not get home till most twelve
These diaries were written by Sarah Jane Norton and are the property of the Norton Family. They may be used and reproduced for genealogical and historical purposes only. No commercial use is allowed without the express, written permission of Dennis Norton and no charge may be made for, nor income derived from their use.
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