Dusty D has spent most of the last week and weekend perambulatin' through our beautiful Highland Cemetery. I love visiting cemeteries and have probably visited most of the cem's in the county over the past years. Those years of exploration and study of the iconography of local cem's has paid off in a new tour I've written up which hopefully the Chronicle will accept for publication...if they do, it should be published later today.
The 1-hour self-guided tour includes a nice li'l pdf that anyone can just print right out, with a labeled map. There's so much to see that I had to trim it down to just the northern half of Highland...but the southern half is if anything even richer in cool stuff to see, including my favorite, the horseshoe anvil. I'll post when the Chronicle publishes the tour.
I was enjoying your website. Hadn't seen it before. On your article on flour Mills in Ypsilanti? George S. McDougall had a flour mill from about 1829/30 for 25 years before selling it to Norris & McIntire. It was on the south side of Forest Ave. just west of the river bridge. His home was near there also.
Janet: Thank you for visiting! Now, that's an old flour mill! I hadn't heard of that name before, but I'm very interested to learn that information. That location sounds like the same location for the later underwear factory. There were so many water-powered industries back then...Ypsi was a hydro-powered town for much of the 19th century.
Hi again, Dusty - I think I have figured out that Geo McDougall helped raise the floor mill for Woodruff and Hardy, and ran it mostly for this Norris and McIntire (or McIntyre). But it was one of the first in Ypsi.
Janet Buchanan
It is mentioned on this website. Janet
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