But some proved elusive.
Now, like you, I'm in the same boat. I know very well that "Oh, that's the one on Cross street..." or "Oh yeah, the one in Normal Park..." but what is needed to file these is street numbers as well. I identified as many as I could, but I just don't have time to go out biking all over the city trying to spot the outliers. May I ask for readers' kind help? Would you know the street name and number for any of these locations? I'd be grateful for any kind help and I'll mark the ones identified. And thank you!

pic. 3 from the bottom looks like the little "hobbit house" (that's what I call it) on the corner of Pearl and Elm in Normal Park. The house in the bottom picture looks like the house on the corner of summit and congress st. not verified, just my best guess!
I believe that the dam is Superior Dam, but the photo has been flipped L to R.
And I think the house in Scan_Pic0006.jpg is on the corner of High St and N Grove.
(from FB) Paul Algee: 2nd picture (Max's) is now Angel Food Catering, 6 West Michigan Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(from FB): Pete Murdock: Top building looks like the old Water Treatment Plant on Catherine St beside Waterworks Park - Now demolished.
2nd from bottom is 213 Oak
3rd from bottom is 329 Maple
Super helpful answers everyone; thank you so much for helping! I was confused by the dam photo and didn't see that it might be flipped; thanks Mark!
4th from the bottom is 110 Pearl St.
Ah, there we go; thank you, ypsiskippy!
The tenth photo with all the gothic arches is probably 301 N. Grove. See the YHF newsletter at http://www.yhf.org/newsletters/aug2006.pdf
Cool; thanks, Ben!
#4= 205 oak
#6= 201 oak
#10= 301 N. Grove
#14= 301 N. Washington?
Very helpful Andrew; thank you! :)
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