Saturday Feb. 22: It has been very pleasant. Washington's Birthday and the Light Guards were out on parade. Mr. Joe Sanders the Clothier dropped dead as he reached his store door after dinner of heart disease.
Sunday Feb. 23: A very disagreeable day; snow and slush. Mr. Post was up and called this afternoon.
Monday Feb. 24: Pleasant and quite warm. Heard robins and crows this morning doesn't look much like ice. Had the span of grays (John and Frank) and span of Bays (Pete + Barnum) hitched to one wagon to-day, grays ahead and they went very nicely. Mr. Suderer sent word he was sick and would not be here until Thursday.
Tuesday Feb. 25: A cloudy, rainy day. Saw a blue-bird this morning which is the sign of Spring. Richard and mama went to Mr. Sander's funeral this afternoon. Mama, Richard and I went to the Normal Choir concert to-night and enjoyed it very much. Received a letter from Millie Whiting. Made Grandma a visit this morning.
Wensday Feb. 26: This has been a damp cloudy day. Margaret Gilbert came over this morning and we went over to the normal to see Nora Babbitt and also visited the music classes. Afterwards she came home with me and we got the horse and went down town and then over to her house. Mama and Grandma went to the Literary Society at Mrs. Sills and went after them at four o'clock and we went down to church.
Thursday Feb. 27: Another damp day. After church this afternoon the four Societies of the church had a meeting to talk over the plan of having a church house instead of a chapel and some are in favor of it and others not so there was a pretty lively discussion about it and it was finally voted that each society should appoint a committee of three and meet next Thursday to decide whether we should work for a chapel or a church house. All the societies are in favor of a church house excepting the Chapel Guild and they have the most money and they want a chapel. Mr. Suderer came to-night and is going to stay all night.
Friday Feb. 28: It rained this morning, cleared up this afternoon and grew cold. Made Grandma a long visit this morning.
Saturday March 1st: Cold and windy with a little snow. March came in like a lion. Grandpa bought a little sky[e] terrier to-day for a watch dog. His name is Curly and is very cute. Mama, Eber and I went to the Catholic Church to-night to a Mission Meeting. it was the first time I have ever been inside of a Catholic church and I was very much interested and enjoyed it very much. Mama got me a lovely new dress this morning a very light green embroidered with white linen thread.
The church was crowded full when we got there and we had to stand up all the time. There were two Monks besides the priest Father Debiever.
Tune in next Tuesday for another look at Abba's doings.
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