Saturday March 1st: Cold and windy with a little snow. March came in like a lion. Grandpa bought a little sky[e] terrier to-day for a watch dog. His name is Curly and is very cute. Mama, Eber and I went to the Catholic Church to-night to a Mission Meeting. it was the first time I have ever been inside of a Catholic church and I was very much interested and enjoyed it very much. Mama got me a lovely new dress this morning a very light green embroidered with white linen thread.
The church was crowded full when we got there and we had to stand up all the time. There were two Monks besides the priest Father Debiever.
Sunday March 2nd: A very pleasant but cold day. Went to church this morning and Mr. Post made us a call this afternoon. I wrote a letter to Abbie Parsons this P.M.
Monday March 3rd: I went up to the Normal Hall to practice with Nora Babbitt. A number of the conservatory pupils were there to practice before the Recital this evening.
At four o'clock Mama and I went down to Church and after church the Awnilanis [sp?] had a meeting at the rectory to elect new officers and to vote about working a church house. We elected two new officers: President Margaret Gilbert, Vice president Elinore Woodruff, Secretary Clara Gordspud [sp?] Treasurer Ruth Pease, Chairman of entertainment committee myself. After the society adjourned I rushed home, ate my supper, dressed, took my violin lesson and then over to the recital as I played an obbligato solo for Nora Babbitt. The recital went off very nicely.
Tuesday March 4th: It has been snowing a litttle all day. This morning I went over to the conservatory of music and went in all the calsses. Mama and I went this afternoon to the Sappho Club.
Wensday March 6th: A very cold day. Mrs. Post came up and spent the day; we had a very pleasant day. Began drawing ice about four inches thick this morning.
Thursday March 5th: A pleasant and cold day. Drawing ice. Went down to church and after church the societies had another meeting about the church house but have not decided yet on account of the Chapel Guild not having a comm[ittee] and so did not vote on it at this last meeting and therefore we must wait until next Thursday.
Friday March 7th: A pleasant cold day. This afternoon went to the Aunilaria [sp?]
Society at Clara Goodspud's. Putting up ice all day.
Saturday March 8th: A lovely day. Ebe took mama and I over to the river to see them put up ice; it was very interesting. It turned so warm this afternoon that they had to stop about 3 o'clock. mama, grandma, and I went down town and to church.
Rich saw a red-headed woodpecker this morning.
Tune in next Tuesday for another look at Abba's doings.
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