Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sarah Jane Norton Diaries: Sharon Springs, NY

In the spring of 1864, 24-year-old Sarah Jane Norton, her 28-year-old husband Austin, and the couple's infant son Charlie emigrated from Sharon Springs, New York, to Ypsilanti. Sarah kept a diary over the next 43 years until her death in November of 1906. Her 1864 diary will be serialized here during 2012. To see all entries to date, see the "Sarah Jane Norton" tag at bottom.

At left she is pictured in 1888 at age 49. Introduction to the Norton family.

2/12/1864: Mary Jane sent word that they were coming a visiting in the afternoon I had to work to get ready Em Henson called between 10 and one Mary Jane were here in the afternoon. Johan Whites wife and Mrs Schuyler and Irena Smith called

2/13/1864: Flora and I went up to Em's this foornon (forenoon). I we stayed untill five o'clock Aut work for Jake Antony in the woods

2/14/1864: Albert came home this fornoon. Delos Jones was with him. the both stayed all night

2/15/1864: Washed. Albert here today

2/16/1864: Town meeting. Harlow's wife was here visiting. They were both here to tea

2/17/1864: Albert and I were agoing to uncle Bens to day but it stoomed and was to cold to take the baby

2/28/1864: Albert hired Mr Schuylers team for three days. for six dollars to go to Charleston [New York] Aut and I and Lib Smith are going

Note: Charleston, NY is about 15 miles from Sharon Springs as the crow flies.

These diaries were written by Sarah Jane Norton and are the property of the Norton Family. They may be used and reproduced for genealogical and historical purposes only. No commercial use is allowed without the express, written permission of Dennis Norton and no charge may be made for, nor income derived from their use.

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