Apr. 9 Wed. Chapel this A.M. Mr. Quirk told of his Red Cross work over seas. Am tutoring N. VanWegen and Samuel Simon.
Apr. 10 Thurs. N. VanWegen did not appear today. P. L. S. met this evening. made fried cakes. Bo't several toilet articles at Wein. Matt. 1 cent sale.
Apr. 11 Fri. After school a meeting of the Parent-Teacher Club was held. Every thing about as usual in school. $40 check.
Apr. 12 Sat. swept, cleaned, washed + ironed waists. Mrs. Purnell called. Lillian stayed all night with me. Mr. Ross fixed my steps.
Apr. 13 Sun. Washed my hair. Did not go to church but went over to Edna's to dinner. Called on Mrs. Hayes who has been sick.
Apr. 14 Mon. Mr. Piper away. Mrs. Drake returned from Chicago convention last night. P. L. S. are planning a party to be held May 3.
Apr. 15 Tues. A great number of students absent on account of the rain. Marjorie Moore invited me up stairs to dinner. Cold + rainy. Awful! Mr. Piper returned this noon.
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