Apr. 11 Sat. Snowed very hard all of the forenoon. I did several little things, thought that I would stay at home all the afternoon and study, but Carrie N. came down and wanted me to go home and stay all night with her. I dressed and we went and called on Joe and then up to Carrie's. We had a better time. I thought I would make bread.
Apr. 12 Sun. We got ready for CHurch qquite early this morning and then played and I sang until Church time and read Burn's Poems. Stayed to S.S. Went home and got my dinner and then to stop for Joe to go to Temperance S.S. We took a class together and are going to keep it. Went to Joe's a little while after S.S. then came home, read until Church time and then went to Church.
Apr. 13 Mon. Have had all of my lessons today. We have to get the carpet for the setting room and for Ma's bedroom today. Gave Mary a lesson in music tonight for about two hours and then played myself until supper time. The girls went to the Lodge but I stayed here to study.
Apr. 14 Tues. Ven Cleve Ganson asked me today if I would not read in public Lyceum and I suppose that I will have that ro bother me now for the next month. Have had more fun in school today than have had in a long time. Carrie N. came down and made quite a call.
Apr. 15 Wed. Carrie N. came down again tonight. We had a good talk. After she went away I wrote my composition. After supper Joe Whitback came. When she went home I went up town. Joe H. came down town with me. Got a box of writing paper.
Apr. 16 Thurs. Walked up to school with Alfred Lucking this morning. Carrie N. was there. She stayed until Chapel exercises. I read my composition. Went up to Carrie's tonight. D. was very cool and all that he said to me was to ask me to take a message to A. L. and gave it up to me. The next time I go up there I shall treat him very cool for a change and see how he likes it. Carrie came down town with me.
Apr. 17 Fri. Went to Lyceum. There were very few there, but I had a very good time. Bert (?) was with Mr. S. most of the time. Sat with him during Lyceum and when it was out he asked me if he might carry my books home for me. I had an introduction to Mr. Harold and he is just as nice as can be. Went into the Library and had quite a good talk with Mr. Spoor.
1 comment :
Would the library that Carrie used be the Ladies' Library on Huron Street? What's the story on that building?
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