Apr. 4 Sat. Did not have very much to do today. Went up to the Library with my book, then up to Joe Keller's. She was just starting for the Library so I went back with her. Then we went and called at Jennie Hendricks and then down to Joe's. Stayed there quite a while. Missed seeing Carrie N. today and I feel kind of lonesome, but she did not ask me to come up.
Apr. 5 Sun. Went to church this morning. It snowed quite a little. There were very few there. Stayed to S.S. Mrs. Parsons was not there. Ida Littlefield took the class. Carrie and I had quite a good talk. She wanted me to go home with her, but I could not and I am glad that I did not for it snowed fearful. Did not go to Church in the evening.
Apr. 6 Mon. Went to school this morning and after such a vacation as I have had enough to go to studying again. It is election day. The Temperance side has gained. Went up to Carrie N.'s about five and stayed until six. She came down town with me. Had ever so much fun up there. Mr. S. was at school this morning. Came over and sat with me.
Apr. 7 Tues. Have had all of my lessons today and some fun besides. Willie went down to Flat Rock this morning and will be back tomorrow night. Walked up to school this noon with Alfred (Lucking). He gave me the minutes that I will have to read next Friday night. Carrie N. came down right after supper. We took a long walk.
Apr. 8 Wed. Did not have to go to school this afternoon on account of Mrs. Ganson's funeral. (Mrs. C. N. Ganson, Ann C. VanCleve, who died April 5, 1874, aged 57). Joe M. came down right after dinner and I went uptown with her to get some music, then up to her house, then up to C. N. Stayed until time for the mail. Got a letter. Mr. and Mrs. Betts and Mr. Padley were here to dinner.
Apr. 9 Thurs. Have had ever so much fun today. Came home and went over to Mrs. Worden's. She was not at home. I have been appointed committee on introductions in Lyceum and Editoress. Bought a ticket today from Jennie S. and paid Prof. C. for my French book. Carrie came down tonight and stayed until after supper.
Apr. 10 Fri. Had fun enough in school today but missed in Geometry. Received about 5 I guess. Went to Lyceum. Had quite a nice time. Read the minutes for the first time. John Stoddard's speech was very nice. Then as there was nothing else to do we adjourned for a social. Came home and hear the Bell Ringers play a tune.
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