Mar. 28 Sat. Went to exchange my book this morning, then I went all around to the stores. Went up to Carrie's quite early. Had a nice time, then Carrie came down town with me and I got ready and went up home with her. I shall never forget what Durbin did and said after I got there. We went to the zealots and Carrie and I had a lovely time. D. did not get back until eleven. We played and made bread and had a good time.
Mar. 29 Sun. Went to Church with Carrie and Durbin this morning. Carrie did not feel well so she did not stay to S.S. I went to the Temperance S. S. with Marion. Mary basom was there and sat right back of me. It is a lovely night.
Mar. 30 Mon. We have had a general tear up here today and I am feeling very much as Carrie did yesterday. I copied music and read. Joe came down about tea time and wanted me to come up after supper. I went and we had a good long talk and I got home about half past eight.
Mar. 31 Tues. Had my hair ---(?) and hanging down my back today. Went up to Aunt Lizzie's. She was not at home, so I went over to Carrie's and stayed about an hour. We had quite a good time. Went over to Aunty's and stayed to tea. Uncle John came down home with me. Was introduced to a Mr. Wilson.
Apr. 1 Wed. Joe came down this morning real early. I got ready in a little while and by that time the horses were ready. It was a beautiful morning and we had a splendid ride down to Gill's. Then Marion took the horses back home. I had a good visit with Mr. Gill. Joe was sick at night. We talked in bed until about eleven and then took a moonlight walk hunting eggs. Dressing under difficulties. Made a most ridiculous mistake this afternoon before two ladies mistaking the garment charming the geese (may be confused, as this is written around the Diary's margin).
Apr. 2 Thurs. Named the bed posts last night and the first one I looked at was John Stoddard. John took us over to Mrs. Detts this morning real early. We stayed to dinner, then back to Mr. Gill's. Stayed about two hours. Then got ready and went over to the depot. We had to wait ever so long, but we had some fun for Arthur Moon was there. Got acquainted with Mr. Betts from N. Y. and he is just O.K.
Apr. 3 Fri. Worked hard all of the forenoon. Mrs. Gill was here for a little while. I did some sewing in the afternoon, then Carrie Newton came and stayed until six oclock. Will and I went up to the Normal Lyceum. I got a seat with Carrie N. I feel provoked at D. because he acted so funny. The debate was good but long. got home after eleven.
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