Monday, April 4, 2011

News Tidbits from the April 4, 1895 Ypsilantian

"The well known temperance lecturer, Francis Murphy, and his son William J. Murphy will begin a series of gospel temperance services in our city April 14. The Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Congregational churches unite in these meetings. The first meeting will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday evening April 14. These men are known throughout the country as working distinctively along Gospel lines. Spread the news to all the men in the city and let all attend these meetings."

"Miss May Ebling left Monday for Cleveland, where she will receive medical treatment from Dr. Wood, formerly of Ann Arbor." This may have been the physician Neal Wood, a onetime doctor of obstretics and gynecology in the homeopathic college at the University of Michigan.

"Ypsilanti again defeated Ann Arbor at chess last Thursday evening. They won three out of four."

"Next Tuesday evening Queen City Hive, No. 64 L. O. T. M. [Ladies of the Maccabees, an auxiliary to the fraternal group], will celebrate its fourth anniversary. A fine program has been prepared and supper will be served. Admission 25 cents."

"The W. C. T. U. [Women's Christian Temperance Union] will hold a county convention in this city on April 11 and 12. A large attendance is desired."

"The ladies of St. Luke's Parish Aid Society hold a sale of home-made provisions of bread, pie, cake, etc., every Saturday afternoon, in the Parish House, from 2:30 to 5. The usual 15 cent supper at the Episcopal church house Saturday, from 5:30 to 8 p.m."

"The Council held a meeting last evening. Henry Denike asked for damages to the amount of $300 for injuries sustained by his wife in a fall on the side walk on River street; J. L. Harlow asked for $75 for caring for the diptheria patient; these were referred to committees and other business of no special importance transacted."

"Miss Jessie Pease Scrimger has composed a piece of instrumental music entitled "The Butterflies." It is very highly spoken of and will appear in the next issue of the Song Journal."

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