Last week, Allie celebrated Christmas and exchanged presents with her family.
Dec. 25 Fri. Christmas. Besides my dress I got for Christmas a pair of nice black kids, a beautiful tie and a pair of mittens, a bottle of very nice perfumery and a [jetton] belt and buckle and a half dollar in silver. Ma got her castor, my picture, her night dress and gold rimmed spectacles. Mary got gold cuff buttons and others.
Dec. 26 Sat. Hattie and Lou came to spend the afternoon. Uncle M. was here for dinner. Joe H. was here and made a call, the same old girl. Was just going to dancing school when Carrie N. came. Had a grand time. The girls went up with us.
Dec. 27 Sun. Went to Church in the morning and stayed to S. S. Joe was there. It rained coming home. Read Pilgrim's Progress all the afternoon.
[four missing days]
January 1 Thurs. Went up to Anna's just as soon as I finished my breakfast and could get dressed. She was not dressed yet when we saw Cooper and Strickland and Rankins coming. I had to pen the door and entertain them until she came down. They stayed an hour. Had a gay time all day. At night Anna and I had out shoes off and our feet stretched out before the fire when we heard the bell. There were those three fellows. We did not have any light except what came from the fireplace. J. G. went after J. S. When they came we had refreshments. J. G. took J. Shipman. H. took ANna and J. S. took me. We had a lovely time.
Jan. 2 Fri. They did not go home until two o'clock this morning. I stayed all night. Strickland told me that I looked sweet. If it had been anyone else I should have been surprised. Found three cards when I got home. Went up to Carrie's. She went with me up to J. S. Durbin and Will came in the evening. Going home it was awful muddy. I pulled my rubbers off ever so many times. Durbin walked with me, Will with Carrie.
Thanks for reading; tune in this coming Friday for another chapter!.
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