Dec. 30 Tues. Decided to wait for bids rather than adopt the "cost plus" plan. Went over to Ann Arbor + bo't waist. Carrie + Sara Lewis + L. were here this Eve.
Dec. 31 Wed. Worked all A.M. In P.M. went down town with Mrs. Fletcher.--went driving with Lillian. Had Misses Laird + Cogswell + Mrs. Fl. in eve.
[Note on facing page: "Memoranda"]: Central Business Men's Association of Chicago paid me $99.43 for last summer's disability. This draft was dated Dec. 16. Another communication, dated Dec. 24, informed me that my policy was canceled. Mr. Hutchins has paid all rents on 223 River St. to the month of Dec. '19.
Jan. 1 Wed. Went down to Meade + Connors' auction sale to buy used car. Ate New Year's dinner with Mrs. and Miss Bachers. Rained all day--turning colder. Finished Rob's socks. Saw show.
Jan. 2 Thurs. Pd. milk bill $2.32. Sent Rob's socks. Everything went well in school except visitors-visitors--visitors! Helen Howlett visited school.
Jan. 3 Fri. More school visitors today; otherwise all was well in school. Received Mrs. Hutchins' check Hope to go to Ann Arbor tomorrow.
Jan. 4 Sat. Am very tired. Washed, cleaned kitchen and bathroom. Lillian gave me roses. Bought new union suits $3.25 each. Mr. Arbaugh in Kalamazoo.
Jan. 5 Sun. Attended church + S. S. Called on Miss Covell, Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. Dimans, Mrs. Beach. Played miserably in S. S.
Jan. 6 Mon. Theodore R. Roosevelt died this morning--Blood clot in heart. Talked to Senior girls about commencement dresses.
Jan. 7 Tues. Mrs. Orr went to lunch with me. Mr. Arbaugh and I nearly collided in the Library door. School went quite well. Am on hall duty. F. Wheeler called.
Thanks for reading; tune in next Tuesday for the next series!
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