Jan. 7 Tues. Mrs. Orr went to lunch with me. Mr. Arbaugh and I nearly collided in the Library door. School went quite well. Am on hall duty. F. Wheeler called.
Jan. 8 Wed. Preparation going on for the Junior-Senior Debate. Attended prayer services both Tues. evening and this evening at Cong. Church.
Jan. 9 Thurs. More debate preparation. Very tired. Tooth bothering by swelling. P. L. S. this evening when Miss Randall lectures on Art with steriopticon [stereopticon].
Jan. 10 Fri. School fair. A little discouraging. Senior mass meeting for Debate. Annual church supper + business meeting. Went with Miss Laird.
Jan. 11 Sat. Heard Senior debaters rehearse. Hair shampoo. learned today that Mr. Morris does not return next semester.
Jan. 12 Sun. Home all day. Mr. Ross called. Planned next semester's program. Am awfully "blue." Miss Laird over.
Jan. 13 Mon. Last rehearsal for the Senior debate Good. Teachers' meeting--not much accomplished. Miss Laird's first experience with a Ouija board.
Jan. 14 Tues. Senior girls decide to wear knots of class colors tomorrow--showing their loyalty to the debaters.
Thanks for reading; tune in next Tuesday for the next series!
Love the bit about the Ouija board. She writes so little but clearly had a lot running through her mind and days... Feels blue, has a toothache, stays very busy with work, thinks of her friends in the proper address. It's very interesting; thanks for posting it.
You're quite welcome! :) She has used an Ouija board several time thus far this year. Yes, I get the feeling that she was very restrained or reserved, with this diary her tiny refuge where she could be frank...
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