Last week, Allie cut up in class a bit, and had to stay after school twice due to whispering.
Jan. 16 Fri. Had ever so much fun in school today. Not one of us had out French lessons and C. got mad and sent us into the room. Went up to C. N.'s last night and she was not at home. Will came up to the school after me with the horses and sleigh. Got J. and C. and then took J. S. home. Had ever so much fun and a good long ride. Went to hear Griffith read. It was nice.
Jan. 17 Sat. Went up to the Gallery with Mary to get her picture taken. We had to wait a long time and while we were there two fellows came up and they were real nice. When I got home I found that J. H. had been to call on me. C. N. was out riding with Marion. She came home and stayed all of the afternoon. I went home with her and went to the Playdees. They were real nice. I had a fall right in front of the Curtises and it hurt my arm.
Jan. 18 Sun. Did not go to bed last night until about twelve. Had ever so much fun. Went to Church this morning with Durbin and Carrie. Stayed to Sunday school. They are trying to get up a present for Mrs. Parsons. Did not go to Church at night because it rained and I had a good book to read. When I got up this morning I put on C's dress and Durbin told me I looked like a scarecrow.
Jan. 19 Mon. It rained this morning and I would not have gone to school if Carrie W. had not come for me, but I had all my lessons and fun besides, it stopped raining before I got up it was time to go home. Did not have to stay after school tonight for a wonder. Came home and copied some music. Then played and got my lessons, read and wrote in my diary. The wind is blowing hard.
Jan. 20 Tue. Marion went out to Pontiac today. S. came and sat with me this noon and asked my company to the concert. He came about half past six for me and stayed until almost wight before we went up there. Joe and Will, Carrie and geo. were there and we got a seat with them. marion got a letter from Let so I opened it. We for a letter from Uncle Tom and Will got one from Alf., so we had enough to read.
Jan. 21 Wed. Have had a nice time in school today. All the girls were surprised to see me last night with S. for I did not tell one of them and they say that Linny feels real bad. She had better for such a fellow as he. Went up to Carrie's with J. S. and had a nice talk together. I wish I could have stayed for they will have ever so much fun.
Jan. 22 Thurs. Went to school and the very first thing had my seat changed for whispering and I was mad enough about it. S. came over and sat with me this noon. It rained so that I did not go home for dinner and at night I got just drippiing wet before I got home and I had an umbrella. J. H. and M. C. came down in the evening.
Jan. 23 Fri. It snowed real hard this morning when I went to school. I came over to my seat the first thing and stayed until the little bell rang. Went to Lyceum and Will went with me. Joe told me that I never looked so well before. carrie N. was there and we had some time to talk but not much for C. bothered us so. I was chairman. John Ninda went home with me. Did not go to school in the afternoon. Had intended to if Carrie N. had not have come in.
Thanks for reading; tune in this coming Friday for another chapter!.
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