Last week, holidays over, Allie started the new semester in school on a high note.
Jan. 8 Thurs. This has been one of the gayest days this term and I have had all my lessons. I have had my Geometry three times and I am afraid it will be three and then out. Will came up to school after me with the sleigh. I took Joe and then took Jen home, after that we had a long ride. When I came back I found Aunt L., Clara B., and Joe W. Had a good visit and they all went off and left me alone.
Jan. 9 Fri. Went to Lyceum. Had a splendid time as usual. Promenaded with J. S., J. N., Mr. H. J. S. and ever so many others. Will was here to go home. Home with Carrie and J. We got a seat over by the boys and are going to keep it every night. There were ever so many visitors. I had as many as half a dozen compliments. Nettie R. came tonight and we had other company.
Jan. 10 Sat. Went up to the Library and got two splendid books. Went up to Carrie N. Had a good long chat with her. I like Durbin better than I did. Carrie came down town with me. Saw J. C. He is handsomer than ever. Went over to Mary W. after I came home and spent the evening. Made one of those horrid mistakes again tonight before Durbin (Playing).
Jan. 11 Sun. Went to Sunday School, up to Temperance S. S. There was a splendid young man there--so was J. C. there. Went to Church in the evening. They had a prayer meeting most of the time and I had all I could do to keep from laughing at their Amens. N. R. is here yet. Stay up real late to read in my book. Have not looked in a book for to study my lesson.
Jan. 12 Mon. Went to school this morning. Was there by Joe's when Mr. Whitman came along. He waited for me and walked up to school with me and told me which side of the question in Lyceum to take. He is just gay and I am the only girl that he has walked up to school with and every time but one he has waited for me. Had to stay after school until five o'clock for whispering.
Jan. 13 Tue. Had a good talk with A. L. at the gate this noon. Ma and Pa have gone to Dexter this morning and will not be back until tomorrow night. Mr. S. came over and sat with me this noon. Would have had to stay tonight, if I had not got out of it. Came home and wrote my composition. N. R. has gone home. It is snowing hard.
Jan. 14 Wed. Ma came home tonight. It is splendid sleighing. Will took me up to school this morning and this noon. Met Joe and Carrie and took a long ride. Went past all of the Normal scholars and was stared at more than a little. Got back to school just as the triangle rang. Strickland was sitting with Jennie and tried to take my hand and get it warm. He had to stay after school.
Jan. 15 Thurs. Had to read my composition this morning. It is fearfully cold. Had all of my lessons today, but had to stay after school for whispering. Miss Pierce told me not to look on J. S. book and I said real loud that I could not study very well without a book. She said some did. I said I was not one of those in such a snappish tone that she and the whole school fairly roared.
Jan. 16 Fri. Had ever so much fun in school today. Not one of us had out French lessons and C. got mad and sent us into the room. Went up to C. N.'s last night and she was not at home. Will came up to the school after me with the horses and sleigh. Got J. and C. and then took J. S. home. Had ever so much fun and a good long ride. Went to hear Griffith read. It was nice.
Thanks for reading; tune in this coming Friday for another chapter!.
It seems that Carrie is Allie's closest friend. I am curious if you know what her last name is?
I do not, unfortunately. The Archives has a complete set of YHS & other yearbooks dating from just before the turn of the century, but sadly not as far back as 1874 that I have found. However, a class roster for 1874 YHS *must* be out there somewhere...likely it's just a matter of time before somehow I manage to find one.
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