Jan. 21 Tues. Seniors kidnapped Juniors drove out into the country + allowed the Juniors to walk back. Druse Osborn, Jim Orr, + Paul Cairns "canned" by Mr. A.
Jan. 22 Wed. "Canned" boys returned. Went to the Sunday School supper (Prof. Laird's class) with Miss Densmore, 6 o'clock. Basket ball game after school.
Jan. 23 Thurs. P. L. S. postponed on account of Basket ball game with Normal High. Pay day to morrow.
Jan. 24 Fri. Sophomore-Freshman debate. Sophomores won. Miss Gieske very nervous. Miss Laird over. Returned Mrs. Bacher's papers.
Jan. 25 Sat. Went into Detroit with Miss Laird on the 7:30 car. Attended the Madison Thetre saw Pres. Wilson + party on the way in Europe--did a little shopping, etc. Arrived home at 5.
Jan. 26 Sun. Home all day except to walk down to garage to get license blank. Finished Rob's second pair of socks. Made out report for the school month. Mr. Ross + Lillian were in.
Jan. 27 Mon. Gave tests in Geom. Marked cards. Attended O. E. S. banquet at 6 o'clock + saw Wayne Chap demonstrate the work later. Didn't stay for all.
Jan. 28 Tues. Final Exam in Alg. IV. Decided to pass everybody. Teacher's meeting after school to discuss next Semes schedule. Called on Miss Walz.
Thanks for reading; tune in next Tuesday for the next series!
interesting contrast between her making sox for Rob and the "holeproof hosiery" mentioned a day or two ago. I read somewhere that socks were one of the first types of clothing to be mass-produced...as far back as the Civil War IIRC. I wonder why Carrie is making sox instead of buying Rob some.
Probably because to her they were made from the heart and warmer.
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