Feb 4 Tues. Hall duty at noon again. This week letter from Miss Gardner. Mr. Laird is no better. Mrs. Morse is teaching for Miss Creech who goes to Detroit.
Feb. 5 Wed. School--noisy--went with Miss Laird for milk and with Mrs. Fletcher to a church service--Conference.
Feb. 6 Thurs. School better--getting settled. P. L. S. this evening after supper with good program. Miss Walz told story. Bath.
Feb. 7 Fri. Parent-Teacher Club. Visitors from Ann Arbor, who were inspecting our lunch-room service. Miss Laird, Lillian, Miss Gieske & Mr. Ross called.
Feb. 8 Sat. Self Serve O. E. S. supper at Temple $.25, 5 o'clock on. Did not attend. Home nearly all day. Wash, iron & visited the Martha Washington.
Feb. 9 Sun. Invited over to Mrs. Hayes' to dinner. Had a good time. Miss Laird & I called on Mrs. Breakey & James brought us home in car.
Feb. 10 Mon. Women Citizens' Board meeting at 4:30 at Literary Club House. Lecture by Doctor Wood of U of M in lunch room of H. S. at 7:30.
Feb. 11 Tues. After school went with Miss Laird to Rowima. Ate supper & went to Presb. Church for reception for Mr. Finlayson & Mr. Quirk from overseas.
Feb. 12 Wed. After school I went home with Lillian for supper and then we went to the Martha Washington.
Feb. 13 Thurs. Mass meeting after school. Y. H. S. plays Normal High tonight. Women's mass meeting at tempple at 7:30. Mr. Laird sits up.
Feb. 14 Fri. Carl Wirth gave a war talk to the Military Training class. Mrs. Drake's Parents Gym Class gave party at Maccabee Hall. I went with Lillian.
Feb. 15 Sat. Slept until late. Worked about the house until about 2 o'clock. Went to the Martha Washington. Miss Laird & Lillian were in.
Feb. 16 Sun. Invited to Sunday dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Omans. Miss Lich and I had a lovely time. Mr. & Mrs. O. are good entertainers.
Feb. 17 Mon. O. E. S. Banquet & Initiation. Past Matrons' Night. Couldn't go. Attended Dr. Frayer's (U of M) lecture in evening in lunch room.
Feb. 18 Tues. Check from Mrs. Hutchins. M. Ferguson went to another session room to sit. (Miss Roberts). Miss Laird over in evening.
Feb. 19 Wed. Extemporaneous Speaking Contest. J. Orr represented the seniors & won 2nd place. Bo't spring hat. $10.50. Went down town with Miss L.
Feb. 20 Thurs. School all day and worked to get ready for Friday--which is to be our visiting day. Went to Detroit on the 4:30 p.m. car.
Feb. 21 Fri. Stayed at Rob's last night. Visited Northwestern and Central High Schools. Bo't automobile license $10.25 & pd. $10 for traveling bag.
Feb. 22 Sat. Came home last night on the 4:24 car, tired out. Worked all morning & until 2 this P.M. sweeping dusting, etc. Went to Moore.
Feb. 23 Sun. Went to church. Subject of Mr. Colburn's sermon was "Vanity Fair." Made out my monthly school report after dinner.
Feb. 24 Mon. Mr. Arbaugh went to Chicago last night. School went on quite well. Seniors won in final basket-ball game. Quite tired.
Feb. 25 Tues. School fair. Carl Wirth teaches two of my classes during Mr. Arbaugh's absence. Had lunch upstairs in Dining Room to-day.
Feb. 26 Wed. School all right and Mr. A's third day in Chicago. Here's hoping for the remainder of the week.
Feb. 27 Thurs. Boys plan to go to Detroit tomorrow to see War Exhibit. Hope it doesn't work. Senior girls win finals in basket-ball.
Feb. 28 Fri. About 15 boys attended the War Exhibit. Unexcused. Play Committee meeting at 7:30. Mr. A. returned from Chicago.
Feb. 29 Sat. Worked A.M. in P.M. went to Martha Washington Theater. In evening attended the party for teachers at Starkweather.
Mar. 1 This is not Leap Year so what is written under Feb. 29 should be here.
March 2 Sun. ***Rob came home***. Jeannette Cummings & Hattie Smith called. Mis Laird here.
Mar. 3 Mon. School as usual. Interest on Gas bonds due. In evening went over to Ann Arbor to hear Caruso sing. Just Splendid. $2.50.
Mar. 4 Tues. School fair. Did not have a very good time tho. School Board meets tomorrow after school. My, but I'm tired.
Mar. 5 Wed. Athletic Association met after school & elected officers. I was asked to meet the School Board & explain the attendance. All is fair.
Mar. 6 Thurs. Mr. A. confidentially told me of the formal resignation at Board meeting last night. A secret. P. L. S. elected officers at 4 o'clock today--went down town for my dinner.
March 7 Fri. Classes in school were fine--came home to dinner. After supper I went with Mrs. Fletcher to see the Movie--Not very good.
Mar. 8 Sat. Washed windows--inside only--cleaned--sweeping & dusting. After dinner went to the Movie with Lillian. Senior play committee in Evening.
Mar. 9 Sun. Did not attend church but Miss Lich and I went to Staib's to dinner. Called on Miss Baird & Miss Houp then typed "The Pot of Broth."
Mar. 10 Mon. School again--am on half duty between bells this wk. Came home to dinner. Am making arrangements for the Senior Chapel. S. Geom.
Mar. 11 Tues. Came home to dinner. After supper attended the school of instruction for canvassing the city for registration & voting.
What an amazing month Carrie had -- hearing Enricho Caruso sing! visiting the Martha Washington half a dozen times. Meetings, lectures, parties. I wonder what she meant, "Mr. Laird sits up." Also, I was struck again at how so many familiar places and names appear here, the Breakey family, the Ladies Literary club, the Presbyterian church. I have walked in those places. So did Carrie. So will many not yet born. Thanks for sharing this diary.
What a great comment. I too was struck by the Caruso reference. Guessing Mr. Laird was very ill?
You are most welcome!
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