Feb. 28 Sat. Mrs. B. is so very sick that Ma had to go over there this morning and stay and I had to do all of the work. I went up town in the afternoon, then up to Carrie N.'s. Had quite a nice talk with her (but not very nice with Durbin). Carrie came almost down town with me. We went in several stores and then we called on Carrie W.
Mar. 1 Sun. Went to Church in the morning and stayed to S. S. Carrie was not there and I am afraid that her cold is worse. In the afternoon W. and I went up to Aunt L.'s. It was a lovely day. Went over and saw Mrs. B. just before Church time in the evening. She looks just as if she were dead. Went with Carrie W. to the Baptist Church.
Mar. 2 Mon. Had all of my lessons today and ever so much fun in the French class. We went up to Carrie's after school tonight, but she was not at home and I had all my walk for nothing. I was provoked enough. Mrs. Lucking was here when I came. i got my lesson real qquick and then read until after nine.
Mar. 3 Tues. Stayed after school tonight real late. Had an invitation to attend Mr. Pease's entertainment this evening from Mr. McCormic, but, of course I said no, for I had enough of him Friday night. Have concluded that there is a little too much of the bourgeois about him to make his company agreeable.
Mar. 4 Wed. Went up to Carrie N.'s. Had a very good talk but C. is provoking. Carrie came down and we went to Public Lyceum together. We got there quite early and I went up stairs where they all were and met S. at the head of the stairs and he caught my hand, whirled me into the room where Joe and Jennie were. They look very nice and I left. The Public was a great success.
Mar. 5 Thurs. Had ever so much fun today. Went in to the Library. Jennie N. and I filled our hair with tiny scales of mica and it sparkled like everything and everyone in the room noticed it. Read almost all of the evening. Mrs. Busby is dead. Died at nine o'clock this evening. Ma went over and stayed until twelve o'clock.
Mar. 6 Fri. Have had more fun than a little today. Did not go to school this afternoon. Went up to Carrie's to get her to go to the Lyceum with me. She came down and stayed to supper and then we went to Lyceum. There were only two or three fellows there. All of us girls powdered our hair and face until they were as white as snow and they told me I looked splendid with grey hair. We did not stay until it was out. S. went home with us. I stayed at Carrie's and stayed until half past eleven. Durbin was there and we had more fun than a little and some tussles, too. I am surprised at both of those boys and they must be surprised at me.
And some catch-up:
Feb. 1 Sun. Went to Church and S. S. Had a good talk with Cad W. Geo. and her have had a little spat but I guess that is all over now. Went to Church in the evening. Cad told me that Will W. told her that McD. wanted to go home with me, but as I came with Will he was afraid that I would not accept him.
Feb. 2 Mon. I am sixteen today. It was snowing this morning when I went to school. Met W. W. on the corner and he walked up to school with me. I gave him my album to write in. I stayed this noon and Cad N. and I talked more than we ever did before. When I came home I went up to C. N. and her father was there so I did not have a very good time to talk. D. said that he thought I was mad at him.
Feb. 3 Tues. Will took me up to school this morning and we got C., May, C. W., J. Nello and J. Hen., and he took us riding until the last bell stopped ringing. Came after me at noon and took me back. We met J. N. and C. W. and took a long ride again. Stayed after school to practice for the public ____. We had a jolly time. Saw Mr. Zimmerman and had a little talk with him.
Feb. 4 Wed. Will took me up to school today. We got all of the girls in and took a ride as long as usual. I have got my album from Will N. He has written real nice. The boys are going to get up a sleigh ride and they have taken our horses and gone up to Strickland's now to get him to go. I know we will have a gay time. Have been reading all evening.
Feb. 5 Thurs. Will took me up to school this noon. Got Strick and Cad and rode all of the noon. C. N. came down tonight. I got ready and went up to Cad's to wait for the sleigh. They came at last and they were all there, nine couples. We had a gay time. Went up to Saline and stopped at the Tavern and they would not get us any supper and we made such a noise that he told us our horses were ready and we had better go and we went but when we were in the sleigh we screamed with all our might.
Feb. 6 Fri. Got home last night or this morning about one. (I bid S. *good night*). Went to school this morning and all of them were there. They say that they had a splendid time, but they have got enough of Saline. I guess that S. had enough of us. J. and J. Hen. and C. N. and I all stayed out of school this afternoon and C. N. came down here and stayed all of the afternoon and Geo. came in the evening and we all went to the public Zealots together. (Looking forward into the Past).
Feb. 7 Sat. Went and took a long ride this afternoon with Mary and Carrie N. I drove and it was not very warm, then I went to Carrie's and stayed until time to go to Lyceum. Cad went with me. I had to read on the question. Had a nice time during the social but we were all very tired--did not promenade much. I gave S. my album. He said that he loved me. I told him that I was very sorry. Of course it was in fun.
Feb. 8 Sun. Went to Church this morning and stayed to S. S. They are going to get up a sleigh ride, our two Sunday School classes, and go out to Anna Rice's and spend the evening. I suppose we will have a grand time if we go, but it is very warm and I am afraid that our sleighing will go. Will has gone up to Ann Arbor with the horses. I went to church at night.
Feb. 9 Mon. Went to school this morning and did not have my Latin very well. I had to stay after school for whispering and then stayed after that to have fun. Wrote and read all of the evening. Got a letter from Marion who is in Pontiac.
Feb. 10 Tues. Had ever so much fun in school today, but stayed after school to wait for the girls. Stick was there and he has brought back my album and he has written a great lot about the sleigh ride. Cad N. and I had a good long talk tonight and had a nice time. Alex N. was here when I got home.
Feb. 11 Wed. Sherwood came down here this morning to invite us and we were not at home, so he came again after school. I was invited last night by Lamb. Well, we were the first in the sleigh and had the longest ride. When we got up to Anna's all of the others were there. We had a very nice time. I was introduced to ever to many fellows but do not remember their names.
Feb. 12 Thurs. Went to school and had all my lessons. Went up to Carrie N.'s after school. Durbin carried on worse than ever. I stayed there until after supper and then Carrie went down with me. We left Durbin putting away the supper dishes, but when I got down to the Post Office some one in the corner said "Good Evening" and there it was him. Mad.
Feb. 13 Fri. Had some fun in the Geometry class this afternoon. When I got home from school I found Ada Johnson here. I commenced to get ready for Lyceum and then Cad and Geo. came. We had a gay time during the Social and Lyceum. There was some forging notes, but we did not do it. We had ever so many visitors.
Feb. 14 Sat. St. Valentine's Day. Carrie came this afternoon, went up to the Library, then to call on Mrs. Owen. It was a lovely day and we took a long walk and then went to call on Carrie N. She was not at home, but Durbin was. I am confident that he sent the valentine that I have got. Anna ---- was here when I got home.
Feb. 15 Sun. Went to church and S. S. Carrie had a visitor. After I came home they stayed. I went to the Temperance S. S. and then took a long walk with Mollie. Went to church in the evening.
Feb. 16 Mon. Had a good deal of fun in school today. Stayed after school a little while. Sent something in to the paper. Cad came down and stayed a little while. I read almost all the evening and Will studied French with me.
Feb. 17 Tues. Carrie N. came down at almost dark. After supper we talked a while and then took a walk. We went around by the depot and then to the Post Office. We had a good talk and then I gave her some good compliments for Durbin. I like her better than I ever did before. She told me all that the visitors said.
Feb. 18 Wed. I stayed after school tonight and heard them practice singing, then heard West read for public lyceum. Then Jennie S. and I went up to Carrie's. She was not at home. We went way around to the back door of the wood shed and went in without knocking. Durbin sat there and all he said was "Gracious Peter." I had my fortune told out of the Bible. Poor last chapter. Jennie told me something--.
Feb. 19 Thurs. Had a good time in school today. Strickland has left school and is studying to be a doctor and I hate them. I stayed after school tonight and we had a gay old time down in the chapel but Miss Pierce did not know it.
1 comment :
this is so provocative. I can't wait for the next post. I am shocked there are not more comments. I love this on going (for a while anyway) :( drama of a young woman's life.
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