Mar. 7 Sat. Came home from Carrie's and then went right back up to Aunt Lizzie's to get flowers for Mrs. Busby then I went to have them made into a wreath. We got some lovely flowers, two Calla lilies. Mrs. B. was buried at two this afternoon. I had to stay at home until after they came back and then I went up to the Library and to Joe H. Aunt L. and Clara were here to tea and Uncle John came in the evening. He left Will in Detroit. Marion C. was expected. Then tonight Mary C. and I went to Mary W. Uncle J. came over and stayed all night.
Mar. 8 Sun. It is very stormy or rather windy. I went to Church. There were very few there and stayed to Sunday school. Read all the afternoon. About five o'clock Walter B. (Busby) and Lot and Charlie and Joeann came over. They stayed until nearly church time. I went to church with Ada Johnson. Charlie B. came home with us.
Mar. 9 Mon. Willie came home from his trip today. he brought me a card case and some other things. Carrie N. came down at noon and went to school with me. Came home from school with me and I went over to the depot with her. Anna and Nate were there. Then we to wait a good while, but we had a good talk.
Mar. 10 Tues. Had all my lessons today and had some fun. Carrie W. is mad or has been but she is trying to get over it now. Had a meeting of the Lyceum after school. I am nominated Recording Sec. , the highest office a lady can hold, Linnie Curtis runs against me. I read almost all the evening.
Mar. 11 Wed. Went over to Bell's after school. When I came back I found Carrie N. She stayed all night. We had a good talk. I did not open a book to study. Mr. and Mrs. Podley were here to tea and stayed all night. Belle gave me a present today.
Mar. 12 Thurs. Had another meeting of the Lyceum after school tonight. I have had a gay time all day. Had company to tea. Read in my Library book until quite late.
Mar. 13 Fri. Carrie N. came home from school with me tonight and stayed quite late. After she went I copied my essay and combed my hair. Then Marion came. Belle was here to tea. Went to Lyceum. Had quite a nice time. Was introduced to a Mr. Clark. I had to read and there were a great many visitors. I was not embarrassed.
Mar. 14 Sat. Had company to dinner. Then after I was dressed, Ella L. and Mrs. W. came and I had to entertain them. I went up to Jennie S.'s carrie N. was there. Had quite a little talk and then Strick came. We had a good visit with him. Came home and started quite early but walked very slow. Did not get here until after dark.
Mar. 15 Sun. Did not go to Church, but went to S.S. carrie N. came home with me and stayed to dinner. We went up to the Temperance S.S. and then for a walk. Came home and had a good talk and then went to Church. Will came home with us. We have had a gay old talk and she has given me something to think of for a while and she found out what a certain person thinks of me.
Mar. 16 Mon. Carrie did not stay until school time this morning but went home quite early. Have had all my lessons and some fun. Carrie N. came home from school with me and stayed a little. Mrs. Mongan and Mrs. Willson are here and Belle stayed to tea. We had supper real early and I had a good long time to myself.
Mar. 17 Tues. It rained this morning. I walked up to school this noon with Alfred L. He told me some things that the boys were doing and trusted me not to tell. Mrs. Varmum was here tonight. It is a beautiful night and I want to go up to Carrie's awful bad, but I will not. Durbin will say that I am in a hurry to see him.
Mar. 18 Wed. Durbin and Carrie and Mattie were here and spent the evening. (I shook hands with Durbin). We had a pleasant evening. I have had all of my lessons today. Walked up to school this noon with Jimmy Van Cleve as I am Editress for our next paper which is to be in two weeks. I shall have enough to do. I wanted to go up to Carrie's again tonight, but stayed home.
Mar. 19 Thurs. Walked up to school this morning with Alfred LeGrand. I had a good talk with him. Walked to school this noon with Jimmy Van Cleve. Went up to Carrie's tonight and laughed until I ached. Had a real good time and tussel. Have got some contributions to the paper today.
Mar. 20 Fri. Walked up to school this noon with J. V. C. When I got home tonight I found Carrie N. and Joe Nilock (?). Carrie stayed until dark and Joe stayed to supper and we had a good time. Carrie came and went to Lyceum. Strick was there and we had a good talk with him. We had a gay time during the Lyceum for it was election and they did not (hing?) but challenge votes. I was elected. I had 28 and my opponent 13.
Mar 21 Sat. Went up town this morning to change my book. Carrie N. came down about half past two o'clock and we went up to Anna's. had a real good time and learned how to make baskets, practiced duets, talked and laughed and had a good time in general. Got home about eight.
Mar. 22 Sun. Went to Church in the morning and stayed to Sunday school. Went and played all the afternoon. Charlie B. was here to dinner. Went to Church in the evening as it was a Temperance meeting and the Church was full but I did not enjoy it much for I was almost crushed.
Mar. 23 Mon. Walked to school this morning with Alfred and talked about the election. John Stoddard came over and sat with me this noon and they say that we will have to have the election over again. I hope so for it was ever so much fun. Virginia was not at school today.
Mar. 24 Tues. Mary Voorhees was here and stayed all night. The girls went to the Temperance meeting and I stayed up until they came home. We talked until real late and it was twelve before any of us went to sleep. Had ever so much fun at school today. Eve Sargeant is here and came to school this afternoon. I read all of the evening. Strickland came and invited Will and I up to Jen's tomorrow night.
Mar. 25 Wed. Had all of my lessons today and ever so much fun. Went up to Carrie's to see if she was going to Jennie's. We all went up at about half past six or seven and we had a jolly good time. We had molasses candy and it was so soft that it stuck all over everything. I accidently hurt Mr. S.'s mouth (because) I gave Mr. Hawkins the mitten in a way that made Strickland laugh.
Mar. 26 Thurs. Did not go to school this morning but had a real good time at home. Went this afternoon but came right home, studied all of the afternoon for examinations. Carrie N. came down tonight and we had a good talk. Miss Wortly called. Did not go to bed until quite late and then dreamed of Latin all night.
Mar. 27 Fri. I passed 67 in my Latin examination and 98 in Geometry. Went up to Carrie's after school and she came down town with me. Went to Lyceum, had a good time and a busy time during the social. Joe and Carrie N. had fearful fuss and I attended to the Library quite a little. They tried to impeach Lucking. They had a fearful time, almost afraid they would get fighting, but Lucking was voted back to the chair, then the ights went our and we were in the dark a minute. After a while everything was strait and we adjourned.
Thank you for posting this... I've been counting down anxiously to her death as if this is happening in real time. In the previous May she seemed to be so ill that I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd sickened and died, but it's been so long since she's mentioned even the smallest of ailments that it's hard to believe that as of the time of these entries she only had four more months to live.
You're very welcome. Allie is buried with her family in Highland Cemetery in the northern part in section...(checks Highland index)...23. It's in a more convoluted part of the cemetery, twisty-path-wise, but I can post a map if desired.
I'd love a map, DD.
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