Mar. 19 Wed. Well, Chapel is over for the Seniors this year. Our Chapel was a great success. Lillian staid with Mrs. & Mr. Drake Mon. night.
Mar. 20 Thurs. Lillian & I are out because she slept with them. Shameful. She is sorry though & I suppose the quarrel will soon end. She gave me a beautiful corset cover.
Mar. 21 Fri. Senior Try Outs again tonight. Supper & then went to the Movies with Lillian & Mrs. Drake.
Mar. 22 Sat. Worked all morning--swept, dusted, etc. Lillian & Frances Seeley called & Miss Laird & I went over to depot & down town.
Mar. 23 Sun. Went down to see Rob. Made out the monthly report and attended church services in the evening. Mr. Ryan talked about "The New Day for Turkey."
Mar. 24 Mon. Honor students chosen. Arthur Stuart & Helen Perry. Planning for the Washington D.C. trip.
Mar. 25 Tues. School fair. Have not seen Lillian today. I am planning to leave Fri. eve.
My goodness, the drama just keeps building with Lillian. She & Carrie are on the outs because Lillian slept with Mrs. & Mr. Drake! And Carrie thinks it's shameful! Cmon, DD, what is going on here?!? And I thought the nineteen-teens were so straight-laced.
Lisele: I hope we find out as the year goes on. Ms. Hardy was, according to elliptical comments in yearbooks from her time teaching and according to her relative whom I was privileged to meet, a stern teacher.
However, she strikes me with her comments in her diary as quite an emotional person.
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