Mar 12 Wed. Class meetings this Morn. Lucile Parkinson & Henry Holmes on Student-faculty Council. Did my canvassing. Attended my first caucus.
Mar. 13 Thurs. Mr. Arbaugh ill this A.M. Better this P.M. Went up to call, with Miss Laird on the Clearys. Marjorie told us about Washington, D.C. (last night).
Mar 14 Fri. Nothing out of the ordinary routine. Busy after school getting ready for Senior chapel. Parent-Teacher Club met in the evening. Colored dance & concert.
Mar. 15 Sat. Up at 7 A.M. About the house until after dinner. Went over to 223 River St & rec'd $20 rent. Stopped at school on way home for books.
Mar. 16 Sun. Home all day--not feeling very spry. Miss Laird over twice. Lillian here in P.M. Washed my hair. Planned the Washington trip.
Mar. 17 Mon. After school our rehearsal for Senior Chapel, which is to be Wed. Mar. 19. We are rehearsing an origina Mock Trial.
Mar. 18 Tues. Did not get home until after 8 o'clock. Heard rehearsal for Senior Chapel Exercises tomorrow.
"Colored dance and concert..." Hm, interesting. DD, you should write some about segregation in our fair city... I wonder if Carrie was referring to a student dance or citywide event?
Lisele: That is an excellent question and I don't know the answer as to whether the dance was a student or citywide event. I wonder if there's an ad in the 1919 paper; I will remember to check next time I'm in Halle.
Segregation is a fundamental and important yet explosive topic. I glean little bits of information over the weeks as I read stuff here and there but I'm not informed enough at present, by a long shot, to attempt this topic, though it interests me greatly. It's also such a huge topic with so many facets and it is hard to distinguish overt or semi-overt segregation from related coincidences of circumstance. It is very complicated. But it is a topic that is on my mind.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
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