Monday, March 15, 2010

F. J. Swain News Item

Dusty D recently wrote a story involving the childhood of the current residents of the Swain house at Forest and River, and I just now stumbled upon a Swain news item while researching something else. Here 'tis:

from the Ypsilanti Commercial, August 24, 1878:

"Mr. F. J. Swain has been making extensive repairs on his malt house, corner River Street and Forrest [sic] Avenue. Last season he was troubled by want of accommodations, and to prepare for this season's work he has provided four new wooden bins so that he now can store over 15,000 bushels of barley. The elevator (from which, by the way, a glimpse of Ann Arbor may be had) has been moved to the northwest corner of the building. Barley has already begun to come in."

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