Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The 1919 Diary of Ypsilanti High School Teacher Carrie Hardy

Part of a year-long weekly serialization of Ypsilanti high school math teacher Carrie Hardy's diary.

Kind readers may recall that Carrie was suffering a mysterious illness, with her colleagues covering for her summer classes at school.

July 27 Sun. Dr. Breakey + Mrs. Niblack think maybe I can go to my 7-8 class tomorrow. Several callers.

July 28 Mon. Could not go up to Normal. Miss Wigal took my 7-8 class. Other classes off. O! I hope I can go tomorrow.

July 29 Tues. Taught all my classes. Very tired. Lillian took Miss Niblack and me for a long ride after supper. Called at Dr. Breakey's. First public market down town.

July 30 Wed. Taught all classes. Rested all time between classes. Mrs. Niblack with me still. Bad liver & stomach still troublesome.

July 31 Thurs. Am thankful that I can teach my classes. Dr. B. called + now am taking HCl after meals.

Aug. 1 Fri.Mr. O. L. Morris called this morning. The family is going to Portage Lake for 1 mo. Meet all classes. Mrs. Niblack here yet.

Aug. 2 Sat. Lounged about all day. Am feeling a little better. Am planning to take a trip down the St. Laurence with the Lewises.

Aug. 3 Sun. No school for me. Very sick. [Handwriting shaky, distinct from Aug. 1 handwriting]

Thanks for reading; tune in next Tuesday for the next series!


Unknown said...

First public market downtown! Does she mean in Ann Arbor, I wonder, since the banners around the AA Farmer's Market do say, "Founded in 1919"! I've also wondered if the common parlance, "went downtown," in both Carrie's and Allie's diary referred to downtown Ann Arbor or downtown Ypsi. Allie was *in* downtown at 6 E Michigan -- so I've wondered. Also, do you know which church Allie attended, that she often refers to?

James said...

The public market may have been the Ypsilanti Farmers Market, founded in 1919 after years of talk. Yes, the Ypsilanti Farmers Market is 90 this year and still going strong. It started on North Huron Street, between Michigan Ave. and Pearl St. The market opened, if I recall rightly, in July of 1919.

Dusty D said...

Lisele & James: Two fantastic comments--and, James, I was ignorant of the fact that the Ypsi Farmer's market is as old as the Ann Arbor one! Whoa!

Lisele: I do not know her church, but I hope I can find out. I'll post it if I do.